When we finish our Plays Miss Tozer put all the name at the spinning weels and she click it and the first group was the Escape room, then the group keep on going spinning the weels, Then we start our Plays.
The Play was My favourite work to do and I cant wait to do it again.
The Escape Room
It’s where you solve puzzles and also movements.
What? The story is about 6 friends who went to an escape room but couldn’t get out??
Where? A Creepy Halloween theme escape room.
When? 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon
why? They were dared to go to escape room by their other friends
Who? Mob, Miguel, Matt, Marith, Hamid, Shane and the voice
Tevita - Mob
Matt - Harley
Miguel - Miguel
Hamid - Shazam
Daniel - voice (aka Greg an old lady) and Narrator
Hans - Zhask
Sahara - Shane
Starter Script
It was 5 in the afternoon when 6 friends rode a bus to a halloween themed escape room in the town of Pennywise. In the group there were 5 boys and 1 girl they saw the big escape room building with webs and pumpkins all around the building.
Mob: Umm…. Shazam this is scary maybe we should go back?
Zhask: Hey don’t call him a scary cat
Shane: yeah leave him alone.
Harley: Hey guys, guys, so are we gonna do this or what?
*shouting in front of Miguel*
Shazam: heck yeah MIGUEL!
Miguel: What?
Shazam:’LET’S GO IN NOWlt
Shane: WHAT? No its a stupid idea.
Mob: I’m scared
Shane: yeah same.Oh come on, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Shazam: * Shazam Pushes Shane and Mob inside*
Shane: Hey! Don’t push me! *steps outside*
Shazam: haha
*Talks in a really weird voice*
Harley: Hey guys why did the pig cross the road?
Zhask: why?
Harley: To get to the other side!
Zhask: ha-ha-ha good one Harley
Shane: Oh my gosh you guys are morons. *Facepalms* *sigh* let’s just get this over with.
*Shane opens the door and everyone walks inside*
*the door slams shut*
Mob: Guys it’s too dark I can’t see anything
Miguel: Don’t worry Mob We won’t let anything happen to you.
Shane: haha yeah right we’re all gonna get killed by demons.
Mob: wh-what?
Shane:But it’s true-
Shazam: guys do you hear that?
*everyone hushes and looks around the room*
Shazam: it’s getting louder c’mon.
*everyone follows Shazam*
Mob: *gulp* g-guys i don't
like this i think i'm gonna faint.
Miguel: Mob stop over exaggerating
Shazam: You guys are being pathetic everythings fine!.
Greg:*weird old lady voice* welcome! Today i Greg will be hosting this year's Halloween escape room-
Harley: umm are you my dad? Where have you been for all these years-
Greg: shut up I'm not your father idiot- Ehem as i was saying.. Welcome to the escape room there will be multiple sets of riddles and puzzles that you must solve in order to get out. Have fun and good luck.
Mob: *Shivers* I knew this was a bad idea,
Shazam: yeah you’re Right Mob
Zhask: can we get this on when
I got to catch up with my ten hours of beauty sleep.
Mob: good to know Zhask.
Greg: walk through the door and start the fun
Miguel: ok let’s go.
**all go through the escape room door
Shazam: hmm what to do?
Zhask: maybe we use a hint?
**Uses hint**
Greg: The puzzle code is next to you is colour coded
And next time you use a hint half of you will disappear
Shane:are you serious?!!
Zhask: umm ok let me try this red black yellow green
**Moves shapes wrong** Mob: GREG GIVE ME A HINT
Greg: wait are you serious, ok then zhask harley and shazam may disappear and they may talk to you from the bellow
Narrator still to this day they are stuck on the first puzzle of the escape room.
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