
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Orana Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Readers on Monday week 10 BH and TZ went to Orana park. THe Teachers that went with us were Miss Tozer Miss Birtch and some other student  Teachers. BH and TZ went to the bus and drove to Orana Park, When we got there it was so windy Then we went to a Teacher at Orana park We all 
had our name tags stuck to our uniform. First the Teacher at Orana park asks us some inportant stuff about the animals, when we got in we went to the first animal, it was so tiny and cute and the Orana park Teachertold us lots about that animals like what they eat or where do they normaly live.
Then The Teacher took us to the place that we can put our bag. Then the Orana park Teachers Asked all of 
the BH and the TZ to make two groups. TZ and BH had a number on thier tags the number was number two and number one, so we all spred out to our group so my group was group two, so first we went to looked at the lizerd so our Teacher from Orana park asked us to go in the house Where the lizard. When we went inside there was lots of lizard in side there window they were camerflaged. 

We keep going for lot of animals but my favourite animals was The big lions, the lion was so cute and 
big and the other one that I like was the spider monkey they were so cute too all I want is to touch. when we finish looking at the spider monkey we went to the gorlla, I saw two gorlla tehy were so big and tall. Then the teacher ask us all the name of the gorlla, then we went to the black gorlla tehy were so strong they were eating they were so cute.

The Orana park was my best trip to go to It was so fun to go there all I wanted to do is to go to Orana everyday. I wanted to say Thank you Miss Tozer and Miss Birtch to bring us to Orana park. 

                                                          THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, September 13, 2019


Hello readers in Hurumanu Digi tech 

What is scartch? Scartch is a game that you came make anything on it you can make a record our voice the  it talk. there is lot of things to do at scartch. Scartch game you can pick any chartter on it. 
you can draw your favourite chartcher on the scartch.

What is sphero? Sphero is a cicrle robot that you can play with. You can control the robot with the Ipad you can make faster, slower. The robot ball can change colour, you can change your favourite colour on the ball and the colour will come up the robot ball.

Wich do you perfur and why? The most I like is scartch because I use to play it at home every day. and I really like it.

How could you use one of these to address your isseI have learnt about how to use the robot ball and leanr how to do very good blogger comment.

Image result for spheroImage result for scratch 

Friday writng

This week what I notice about my fellings and emotions was relax at school and not felling sad or angry, I all ways felt happy when I am doing my work at school and never get tired. When I am tired I never give up at doing the work am I doing. evry day when I go to park when I fell angry when people bully at the park, Just Say stop and leave when they com eback to me I just ran and get someone to help me.

When I fell sad I go to sleep when people dosent want to paly with me I just go to sleep and relax. when they wanto to play with me when there is not engouh people they get and I was sleeping and when I woke up they were loud shouting at me then I wne t out side and I feel happy when they came back to play with me Then I felt so happy.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Hi readers on monday we did in Hurumanu PE. Miss Simpsion pick the first group to show us thier game so we know how to play it, Fist the gruop showed us how to do thier warm up. There warm up was Jogging, star jumps, high knees.  When we finish doing our warm up the French price put thier 
hands up to listen to them to do the other activity, so the other acticiy was playing sneek up on granny so granny was facing to the front and all the year 7/8 run as faster to tag the granny so you can be 

the granny. We keep play like mabey 10 mins then we were done, After that the French price show us there game that they play. There game was called the bench ball game. So first the French price aks all the other year 7/8 to vs year 7 TZ and year 7 BH. And the year 8 BH were vsing  hthe year 8 

TZ. After that all the year 7 were vsing all the year 8 playing bench ball. All the team were wroking hard and lot of passing and calling there name to pass. But the winner was the year 8 It was fun to play bench ball reall fun  to play. 

In maths we learned about how big was the field. We were talking abut the paint likw how much pait do we need to panit the field, So my group was Charlie, Hamid and me. Miss bricth bring us a paper to wite our name and ready to learn about the feild. We were working hard on our maths it was so cool to know how big is the felied.

I work Successfully with otehr to help them how to do there work and tehre sports.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wood Tech

Hello readers in Wood Tech Fisrt we were making cars, we can pick any car you make. So when we were finish our cars we go to the paint table and you can pick any colour you want to use to your car. and when the paint is dry you go to mrs Kain and mrs Kain will put wheels on your car then you can take it home!

THen you keep going on the others one. It was really fun to do wood I cant wait to make lot of stuff with wood The best work in the world.


Hello readers in Hurumanu CIP we were talking about Reusing pens what we did on CIP we were doing a goggle slide about Reusing pens, what we did was write about the pens like people will be giving pens that dosent work so they can not throw it around our break it. Just bring it to Hornby High year 7 and 8 to put it into a box or into a bag. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

PLAYS 2019

Kia ora readers in Term 3 week 3, we did a play we make our own play with our group in the group we start to go on a goggle docs and shaerd to our group. First we did our real name and to make up a new name of our chartaters. we had 7 group on our plays, it was Miguel, Hans, Hamid, Daneil, Matt, Shahara and me Tevita. So our plays name was the Escape room, So we were at a house it was scary, a old lady was called Danial his name was Greg he was the old lady and the voice, Matt was harley, Hamid was the Shazam, Hans was Zhask, Miguel was Miguel,Sahara was Shane and In was Mob. Mob was the scary cat he always gpo next Shazam Hamid, and Hamid was always scarying me.

When we finish our Plays Miss Tozer put all the name at the spinning weels and she click it and the first group was the Escape room, then the group keep on going spinning the weels, Then  we start our Plays. 

The Play was My favourite work to do and I cant wait to do it again.

The Escape Room
It’s where you solve puzzles and also movements.
What? The story is about 6 friends who went to an escape room but couldn’t get out??

Where? A Creepy Halloween theme escape room.

When? 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon

why? They were dared to go to escape room by their other friends

Who? Mob, Miguel, Matt, Marith, Hamid, Shane and the voice

Tevita - Mob
Matt - Harley 
Miguel - Miguel
Hamid - Shazam 
Daniel - voice (aka Greg an old lady) and Narrator 
Hans - Zhask
Sahara - Shane

Starter Script

It was 5 in the afternoon when 6 friends rode a bus to a halloween themed escape room in the town of Pennywise. In the group there were 5 boys and 1 girl they saw the big escape room building with webs and pumpkins all around the building.

Mob: Umm…. Shazam this is scary maybe we should go back?


Zhask: Hey don’t call him a scary cat

Shane: yeah leave him alone.

Harley: Hey guys, guys, so are we gonna do this or what?

*shouting in front of Miguel*
Shazam: heck yeah MIGUEL!

Miguel: What?

Shazam:’LET’S GO IN NOWlt 

Shane: WHAT? No its a stupid idea.

Mob: I’m scared

Shane: yeah same.Oh come on, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Shazam: * Shazam Pushes Shane and Mob inside*

Shane: Hey! Don’t push me! *steps outside*

Shazam: haha

*Talks in a really weird voice*
Harley: Hey guys why did the pig cross the road? 

Zhask: why?

Harley: To get to the other side!

Zhask: ha-ha-ha good one Harley

Shane: Oh my gosh you guys are morons. *Facepalms* *sigh* let’s just get this over with.

*Shane opens the door and everyone walks inside*
*the door slams shut*

Mob: Guys it’s too dark I can’t see anything 

Miguel: Don’t worry Mob We won’t let anything happen to you.

Shane: haha yeah right we’re all gonna get killed by demons.

Mob: wh-what? 


Shane:But it’s true-

Shazam: guys do you hear that?

*everyone hushes and looks around the room*

Shazam: it’s getting louder c’mon.

*everyone follows Shazam*

Mob: *gulp* g-guys i don't           
 like this i think i'm gonna faint.

Miguel: Mob stop over exaggerating

Shazam: You guys are being pathetic everythings fine!.

Greg:*weird old lady voice* welcome! Today i Greg will be hosting this year's Halloween escape room-

Harley: umm are you my dad? Where have you been for all these years-

Greg: shut up I'm not your father idiot- Ehem as i was saying.. Welcome to the escape room there will be multiple sets of riddles and puzzles that you must solve in order to get out. Have fun and good luck.

Mob: *Shivers* I knew this was a bad idea,

Shazam: yeah you’re Right Mob 

Zhask: can we get this on when
 I got to catch up with my ten hours of beauty sleep.

Mob: good to know Zhask.

Greg: walk through the door and start the fun

Miguel: ok let’s  go.
**all go through the escape room door
Shazam: hmm what to do?

Zhask: maybe we use a hint?

**Uses hint** 

Greg: The puzzle code is next to you is colour coded

And next time you use a hint half of you will disappear

Shane:are you serious?!!

Zhask: umm ok let me try this red black yellow green

**Moves shapes wrong**  Mob: GREG GIVE ME A HINT

Greg: wait are you serious, ok then  zhask harley and shazam may disappear  and they may talk to you from the bellow

Narrator still to this day they are stuck on the first puzzle of the escape room.

Kia ora Readers In Period 1 on Modday 9/9/19 2019, We went ot the auditorium and A lady went ot the stage and talk about her book that she made. she was talking about the murder book, she has thought us a lot of thigns of murder. She show us a picture of the murder. a person said haw many book did you wrote and and she said mabey 5 she have beed writing book for three years and she ask us a question, about murder, and some people said you can murder people with nife, you can murder people, with diffrent ways.

She show us all her book form 3 years ago and she show us her old book the she write she show us the inside of the book and the backgroud at the front of the book. her favourite book was the night vission and teh murder book it was so cool that she tell us the story of her story.

 Image result for night vision book

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Hello readers in Hurumanu Digi Tech We did something in our doc is about Social
Environmental Ethical. first we watch a video about these three things and you need to write about the video the you watch. What we did we go search and find some videos about the social issues. Social issues affect people.

Take pictures of people so they can be like famous. They take photo of people and bully them at like facebook instagram. Social is like that people go swimming and eating picnic and throw rubbish to the sea and animals die and they get to never eats food from the sea.

the people that make the other people famous they just take photo of them and post it to facebook or to intersgram and they will get famous.

In hurumanu I was the best doing Blogging. Bolgging is my best work to do.