Hello reader's what I have been learing this week was about helping Teenagers sleep better, what is helping Teenagers sleep is reading books and relaxing listening to music, and the thing that can't make you sleep is watching your phone for 5 or 6 hours and not eating healthy food and also playing video game on your TV.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Monday, June 22, 2020
Hello Readers what I have been doing today was working on was reading a journal that I read it was called the Comic man and we were doing a screencastify about the Journal
Friday, June 19, 2020
Hello readers what I have been doing this week was working on a DLO of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, some of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi I didn't do, What we were writing about Treaty about the Maori people and there is also other slide about the treaty, and one was about Hone Heke
Monday, June 15, 2020
Hello readers what I have been doing this week was bargraph. the most popular breakfast was toast and the least breakfast was
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Hello Readers,
what I have been doing this week I was working on how much sodium is in our food, we had to put the highest to lowest amount of sodium in orders and, after that we need to list 3 ways to avoid eating too much food and what I worte was eat fresh fruit vegestable and other healthy food, and also drink more water and remember to not put salt in your food. That was all my work about the soduim food to stay healthy.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Hello readers,
I am going to tell you guys about filipino language week. we are going to celebrate filipino language week in Hornby High School and I have learn some filipinos words and I enjoy learning it. and I tried to play some filipino games but here is a list of filipino games.
I am going to tell you guys about filipino language week. we are going to celebrate filipino language week in Hornby High School and I have learn some filipinos words and I enjoy learning it. and I tried to play some filipino games but here is a list of filipino games.
- Bahay-Bahayan
- Bati-Cobra
- Bulong-Pari
- Calahoyo
- Chinese Garter
- Declan Ruki
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
A Guide to the tower of London!!!!!
Hello Readers,
This week I have been working on this work I was working about the tower of london, I made a slide of it, and there are questions that i answer about the tower of London, and there are some picture that you see in London.
This week I have been working on this work I was working about the tower of london, I made a slide of it, and there are questions that i answer about the tower of London, and there are some picture that you see in London.
Hello Readers,
This week In Hurumanu 3 we were talking about Food Preservation, it was about the food in Space that the Space Warrior eat, I have made a slide of it all about the food.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Early Encounters In Aotearoa
It was the first time that The Aotearoa Maori saw a Huge Big ship sailing towards them, and then the big ship saw the Maoris they shoot them but they were alright. It was Able Tasman that was in the Big ship. The year they arrive in 1642's and the name that was called for the land was Nova zelandia and the next ecplorer to arrive in Aotearoa was James cook, he arrvie in 1769. The guy of the chief navigator the explorers was Tupaia The Aotearoa Brought foods and drinks and other stuff was Animals, Fruit, alcoholt, Musket and Vegetables. The Europeans Brought Musket to the Aotearoa peoples for the war, Musket is a Gun that the Aotearoa People go to war. and the year did the Musket ended in 1830's.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Hello readers,
What I have been learning in Hurumanu waas Tangata Whenua, What we did was read a book from the slide that ask us the Questions and we need to anwers it, and here is the slide that I have been working on.
What I have been learning in Hurumanu waas Tangata Whenua, What we did was read a book from the slide that ask us the Questions and we need to anwers it, and here is the slide that I have been working on.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Hello readers I am going to teall you about sugers and I am going to anwers some Questions that we were supposed to do. women or men should not drink suger no more than 9 teaspoon.
Orange is the healty drink to drink because is not sweet like orange juice with suger init
Drink water eat healty food and so many healty food that we need to eat or drink.
there is 3 bad things that is bad for our boides is Suger drink sweet biscut and sweet Lollies.
Orange is the healty drink to drink because is not sweet like orange juice with suger init
Drink water eat healty food and so many healty food that we need to eat or drink.
there is 3 bad things that is bad for our boides is Suger drink sweet biscut and sweet Lollies.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Hurumanu 3
Hello Readers In Hurumanu 3 What I have been learning This week is an animation about Mars, I chose Render forest for my animation, What I have done was the Questions from the slides that we were trying to answer. It wasn't that long but enjoyed it.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Interview with Mark The Martian
Hello Readers, today I have been working on my Martain work here is some Questions that I did if you guys know, and I also made a news Report. HERE IS WHAT I HAVE DONE HOPE YOU LIKE IT
Interview with Mark The Martian
List 5 questions you would like to ask Mark….record his answers, then write a
News Report based on his answers. Use the handout to help you remember the plot.
Questions and answers.
- How Many Days Did You Stay on Mars?
- What Happened to you after the storm?
- What did he plant for food to eat?
4) How Many Months did he stay on Mars?
5) Was he the first person on mars for 564 days?
News Report:
e.g. Well known tennis player, Tony Rutene, landed in the wrong town for his latest
tennis tournament. He was stuck there with no transport, no money, no food and no
His teammates had no idea where he was and after a week gave him up for
dead because he was unable to access
a phone or computer given that everyone in the town was in lockdown.
Noone travelled out of their bubble and it was only
by chance that a helicopter flew over and saw
Tony’s message in a vacant plot. ‘HELP!’ The pilot landed
on the plot and at a safe distance was able to sort
Tony out and fly him back home to his relieved family and teammates.
tennis tournament. He was stuck there with no transport, no money, no food and no
His teammates had no idea where he was and after a week gave him up for
dead because he was unable to access
a phone or computer given that everyone in the town was in lockdown.
Noone travelled out of their bubble and it was only
by chance that a helicopter flew over and saw
Tony’s message in a vacant plot. ‘HELP!’ The pilot landed
on the plot and at a safe distance was able to sort
Tony out and fly him back home to his relieved family and teammates.
Write your draft news report here:
Heroic Mars explorer Mark Watney survived a dangerous time on Mars.
He plants vegetables to grow food for him to eat.
Mark Wanteny tried to make a signal to the people on earth to let them know that he is alive.
And there's Chinese workers that know how to help Mark Watney get back to earth.
His Crew is going to try to save him.
He plants vegetables to grow food for him to eat.
Mark Wanteny tried to make a signal to the people on earth to let them know that he is alive.
And there's Chinese workers that know how to help Mark Watney get back to earth.
His Crew is going to try to save him.
Blog your news report when it’s been
The Martain Story!!!
Kia ora,
Today I am going to be telling you about the Martian movie that we watch in Hurumanu 3, In the movie there were five crew going to Mars, there were six characters, the six characters were Annie, Lewis, Mark, Martinez, Johansson, and Beck. First the mars was too windy and they went to the ship and went back to space, but they left one of their crew, it was Mark.
Mark woke up and he was seen, after that he went to the house on mars to take off the sharp glass of his stomach. Next he went to the camera to sent it to the people that he is alive. After that he went outside and get the mars dirt and put inside the space house to grow up potatoes for him to eat.
Mark kept working on stuff to get back to earth, he was working on the ship and then he was ready to go back. and then he was on the ship, and the people on earth helped him get back to earth, and then he was ready to go, the spaceship flew to space and his crew was there to save him. and then Mark told his crew he is going to stab the space suit to fly up to his crew and Annie will catch him, Mrak did not hold to Annie hand but luckily he got the wire and he is safe and then they told earth that Mark was alive. and Mark was safe and then he was at earth, he was a teacher to tell the people about him in Mars.

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