
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Final Sport Science Sport

Kia ora readers this week we have been working on our final Sport Science Project, and we need to answer the questions.


What tests did we do? To test our power we did a standing vertical jump, to test muscular endurance we did a plank, for speed we did a timed 30-meter sprint, for flexibility we tried to touch our toes, for agility we did an agility course, for the strength we saw how long we could hang from a bar, for coordination we threw a ball at a wall with one hand and caught it with the other for seconds, for balance we saw how long we could stand on our toes on one foot, for cardiovascular endurance we did the beep test, and for reaction time we had someone else drop a ruler and we then saw how fast we could catch it.

What were you trying to improve? The things I was trying to improve the most were power and coordination. 

How did you improve those skills? To improve these I did squats for power and catching with a partner for coordination.

Did you improve on any skills? I did improve on strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, coordination, reaction time, speed, power, and balance.

Why do you think you improved on those skills? I think that I improved on those skills because I practiced them all during the practices so I could improve.

Which skills do you want to spend more time improving on and how are you going to improve? I would like to improve more on my power and I will do this by doing squats every day to try and improve.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Beauty and the Beast. (Cover)

Kia ora, 

readers, In fairytales, I wrote a play about Beauty and the Beast, and after I finished, I Made a cover of it, I wrote the dates and The director's name. and also I put all the characters' names and their costume looks. 


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fairytales: Beatuy and the Beast

Kia ora,

 readers, last week and this week, I have been working, on Beauty and the beast in Fairytales, I picked A play Because it is fun and easy to write a play about the beauty and the beast.


 Beauty & Beast









Intro: This story is about a Beast who wants to turn back to humans, and all he needs to do, to turn back is to find a girl that he really loves.

BEAST: I want to find my loved one! Hurry Up Plates???

PLATE: Yes Sir, Right Away 

POTTS: Beast How is Plate going to find your loved one, He’s a PLATE!

BEAST: Very Well! I will send mails to all ladies out there, come to my castle and kiss the one i Love the most.

POTTS: Ok Sir. (Scared Voice) 

         The Beast Sitting down Quietly On his Golden chair. Madly.

                                They waited for 2 hours

POTT: Hey Beast! Their ladys waiting outside for you.

                   The Beast Stood up Quickly, and rush to the door

BEAST: Welcome Ladies!

                   Women's Stood still and stare at him Scaredly 

WOMANS: Runnnnnnnnnn…... A devil 

                The Beast got Very Aggressive and Attracted the ladies.

BEAST: I’m gonna eat all of you!!!

POTTS: Beast Noooo, Don’t hurt them.

     There was one Lady that caught the Beast antittion.

BEAST: Hello My lady, you are the right one for me

BELLE: Very Good to me you BEAST, I’m Belle


BEAST: Kiss me Under the Apple tree

BELLE: But there's Wolf protecting the apple tree

BEAST: Right, Ohh, They are also scared of the sun, and so am i

BELLE: How are we gonna do this?

BEAST: I don’t Know, Let’s go inside.

                                    Both Going inside

POTTS: Hey Sir,  


BEAST: Sorry about that, That's Pott.

BELLE: Talking…….

BEAST: YEP Talking Pott


BEAST: Ok, all I want is.. To be back to human again, that is why I Found my Love one, to kiss me, and turned me back.

BELLE: Ok First Tell me what happened.

BEAST: My Parents told me never to eat an apple from that tree (Points to the tree)  But I ate it, After I ate I thought it was a normal apple but… The apple tree was talking, and said, “YOU WILL BE PUNISHED.”I got Home and nothing happened about the punnised the tree gave..

POTTS: Sir Coffee?

BEAST Potts not now!

                                   Potts walks about sadly 

BEAST: Okay, Where were we? Oh yea that day, at night, I got my Punishment, and turned me into this!

BELLE: Sorry to hear that

                                        Beast Tears all over the ground

BELLE: It's gonna be okay now, you have me to turn you back right?

BEAST: Ohh.. yea

      The next day at night they ran to the apple tree.

BELLE: How are we gonna go Under the Apple tree 

BEAST: Wolves like singing, and I can't sing with this voice.

BELLE: Ohh, I can sing.

                Belle Walks up Slowly to the Wolf singing.

BEAST: WOW her voice

BELLE: Goo (Whispered)

BEAST: Oh Yea. 

             Beast runs at the apple tree.

BEAST: Belle Hurry come.

        Belle still sings, and made the wolfs go to sleep

BELLE: Coming

BEAST: Ready?

BELLE: I Think so, YES 

                                   They Kissed, and a few seconds later, the beast changed back to human. 

BELLE: Beast wow your human!! It worked..

BEAST: All thanks to you My lady.

                               THE END