
Monday, March 29, 2021


 Benefits of water

Why is it so important to

  1. Water helps you stay fit and healthy. 

  2.  Helping your brain function 

  3. Flushing out waste from your body

Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids.

The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

Benefits drinking water infographic Royalty Free Vector

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Hello Blogger,

Today I learned something new. It was a game called Hot Potato, and Alphabet story. It was really fun playing these two games. The first game we did was the Hot potato, we were supposed to write one word and keep passing it to the next person at the same table as you, to make a sentence. If it doesn't make senses you need to make it sense. and the other game we did was Alphabet story, so student need to write a sentences by using alphabet in orders, like you start from A and goes up to  Z.

Please ask me a question about the game and i'll answer it.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, March 19, 2021


Hello bloggers, what I have been doing in ESOLD was doing a Quiz.  The fun things I did in ESOLD was playing all new Quiz, the first quiz that we did was the Name game, it was fun about knowing other ESOLD students, and I also like working on blogs because it helps me learn my english better. The other fun things I did in ESOLD was writing the alpshepat, and making them into words. My favourite word for A, and Z, was Apple, and Zebra.

Friday, March 12, 2021


Hello blogger's what I have been learning this week in ESOLD, It was a challenging work to do, so what we did was writing about Contemplate, Courageous, Cornucopia, it was so challenging for me, but the words that I only knew were Courageous. It was so difficult for me to write a short story about it and also really fun writing about it

Thursday, March 11, 2021


Hello readers, What I have been working on Pe Lession was a practing athlitcs and also other diffrent sport like kick long ball, and also bench ball.

The athletics events I did were shot put, discus, long jump high jump relay and the 100 meters sprint. My result for shot put was 9.9m and discus was 18.m, Long jump was 3.82m, and High jump I made 1.25m

I didn’t bring my PE gear for all sessions, but only sometimes, But I participated in all PE sessions each week.

What I enjoyed in athletics was the long jump, because I made 3.82m, because last time I only made 2.55m and also I did the really it was really fun to see our Kahui cheering for us

Throwing the shot put you need to use your stronger arm because it helps you push far. For the 100m you need to use your legs to run faster and also the same for really. 

Discus you need to 

swing your arms to see how far it goes. And High jump you need to jump with legs that you are really positive with.

Long jump you need to also use your legs and your arms to run faster and jump as far as you can, and see what is your high score.

Hornby High School Sport

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Kia ora Bloggers,

Today In hurumanu 5, I was learning about Getting help and about supporting one another

  1. Mental health services, Where to get help

  2. Mental health and wellbeing of youth in our communities

  3.  Teenage mental health 


The way we’re feeling can change how we think and how we deal with tough times.

A family history of depression

Lots of teenagers and adolescents struggle with mental health issues 

Friday, March 5, 2021


Kia ora Bloggers,

Yesterday we did Athletics the things I chose for Athletics were Discs, long jump, high jump 100 meters and the relay, discus I made 20 meter far, and long jump I made 3.56 meters, High jump, 1.25. My favorite was the long jump. I was so proud of myself by jumping that far, and also High jump. my Kahui color was Blue, Rirorio, and the other teams were Tieke red, and Mohua gold. But I did the relay run youngest to olders, and the Riroriro year 8 boys came second and the rest of the ralys runners came all first placed.


Kia ora Bloggers,

What I have been working on today was writing about 9/11, we have to make a timeline of 9/11.  I picked 9/11 because I want to know more information about it.