
Monday, July 27, 2020

Six Photographs

Hello readers,

 what I have been doing this week was wotking on  Photographs by Dylan Owen, here is the work that I did.

Six Photographs by Dylan Owen

Make a copy of this document and save in your HUR 1 folder. You will complete the following work to share what you have learned from this reading. You must complete your answers in full sentences.
What was the main message of this story?  

  • About people taking photo from the olden days 
  • To know about their History

The journal article looks at 6 different photos throughout NZ history. Re-read the paragraphs which match each photo and share 1 interesting fact for each photograph that you learned. 

  • Family of T.W Ferry
I’ll be taking so many photos of me and other people that want to take photos. 

  • The dad and mom were holding their children's heads to stop them moving. 

  • It took up to 10 second to take a photo

  • Māori at Parihaka

  • they all wear European clothes and hats and dresses

    • form the olden days, they also wear white features on their heads 
    Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee

    • She celebrated her sixty year rule over the British empire.
    • New Zealand

    • was part of this empire, so people here joined

    Irini Kemara

    Irini Kemara is a women that camera people always take photo of her and other womens that want to take photos in the early days 

    Māori Farm at Winiata Taihape

    Is a Māori farm that maori people always go there and make food and grow food

    • The Maori Family Milked the cow 
    Kitchen Interior by William Williams

    • There were guns and knives and display
    • The guns and knives were might use for hunting 

    Find Your Own Source: New Zealand was not known until 1642, after Polynesian landed here. Settlers started to arrive from England, Scotland and Ireland From the 20th century onwards, war, and other troubles have led groups, and after that New Zealanders celebrated a wide varied.

    I think this is a good source because… 
    I chose this good source because It is very Interesting, I want to know more about it. 

    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    My goal setting

    Hello readers what I have been working this week was working on Goal setting, Goal setting is I was writing about the things that I do from home during the holiday, and what will you do in the next step at school.

    Thursday, July 2, 2020


    Hello readers,

    Today I will be writing about the work that we did Today. So what we did was working on this phone stander stuff, what we were supposed to do was pick an image youn want and then  put it to the phone stander on the computer and then you can pick to cut it out or sketch on the machine and it will come out like you pick, and we learned how to use lazer and we also learned on tinkercad website that you can make everything that you want to make. 



    Hello readers,

    What I have been doing this week was working on  a statistics investigation and my question was how many timess do you wash your hands, the fist slide that I did was the Table of data and that is the time and the number of student, and after the Table of data it was the Statement, and the highest table that the year 7 and 8 pick was 4 to 6 times and the lowest one was 20 to 25 times, and next slide was the Graphs, the graphs was the student that pick the times that the year 7 and 8 pick.


    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    How to grow food on mars

    Hello readers what I have been learning this week is working on Mars, and we were supposed to pick a Questions from the slide and I picked How to grow food on mars and I have made a Google drawing of it and I have put some picture to make it look better.