
Friday, June 21, 2019


Vitolio the school shoes went to Miguel house the nike shoes at 7:00am and ask miguel to go with Vitolio the school shoes to the soccer feild, Miguel said we dont have enogh player we need more shoes, and miguel got his phone and call to his old friend to come and play with us two, Jake the soccer shoes came alone and, he called miguel again to come and pick him up, but miguel the nike shoes was

playing with the Vitolio school shoes, and Jake came alone and ask miguel he cant play because his tired from walking from Aranui road to wycola park, but Miguel the nike shoes was so angry that he din't know jake had a car but jake went back home, and miguel ask him to want a ride and Vitolio the school shoes said no there's no time we need to play now, and Miguel the nike shoes

said ok. along came a home less shoes,  his name was the man he was a good plaer at soccer, nand Miguel and Vitolio said come here let play then, but he said theres no more players but miguel the nike shoes went to his car and drive fast to his friend Jake to get him when he got there he said sorry to him and Jake said sorry too, and they got back to wycloa park and carry on the soccer game and they all made there on team, now there finally happy. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Hello readers in CIP we were talking with our teacher about colouring in, we watched a video of colouring in, after we finish watching the video, the teacher asked us to get in groups of 3, when find are group we discussdetring about clolouring in, planning.

our first question was are we going to have just one picture to colouring in? and our group anwers was no because there are going to be alot of people competing. and our teacher  said to finish all of youre question adnd when i was finish with my grope all toghter and we all show to the teacher to ask us to publish.THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


Image result for colour in video

Monday, June 17, 2019


Hello readers in our Hurumanu Miss Birtch ask us to do five facts about Quentin Blake and it was fun to do five facts about Quentin Blake. THANK YOU

Friday, June 14, 2019

Our Since Big picture

hello readers in since Hurumanu we watch a video called the big picture and our teachers ask us to anwers this questions at the bottem. and teh teacher ask us to ad the video into your blog too.  thank you

  • What animals keep our jackets warm? birds because their feathers are warm 
  • What animal makes our boots waterproof? The animal who make a boots waterproof is the ducks because their skin felt like water  ...usually leather from cattle
  • Where does the water in our rivers come from? snow on the mountain 
  • Why do we need healthy rivers? when you walk around and you see water everywhere to keep us alive ..fresh fish
  • What are some of the good things about mosquitoes? .....
  • We would have no clean drinking water fish would die of starvation, birds would be very hungry and wild flowers wouldn't get pollinated. 
  • Why are bees dying? Bees are diying because they eat the dirt from the wood that's why there diying.  Insecticides kill them too.

  • What do bugs do to our leaves? The bugs redues our leaves 
  • Reuse 
  • Reduce 
  • Recycle

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Needs Vs Wants

Hello readers in CIP we learn about Needs Vs Wants this is my work called Bh, Tz, and Sh, wore doing this work all together, and we need to put on picture on. Thank you I hope you like it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Science Badges: 

Image result for science badge  


  • Climate Science
  • Global Warming
  • Recycling
  • Renewable Energy
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Ecology
  • Our Planet
  • Water
  • Plants
  1. 15 Points are needed to get a badge
  2. A high standard of work.
  • All experiments are written up ( Aim, Materials, Steps, Conclusion)
  • Two photos of your experiment
  • 6 sentences at least for a conclusion

Science will be twice per week.

  • Lesson 1: This will be an Experiment that involves blogging. You will be expected to open a new post, copy Mr Palmer's blog and paste it on your new post.
  • Lesson 2: This will be an Investigation that relates to the topic from Lesson 1. It will be own choice and displayed in a way that you prefer. For example - PowerPoint, Doc, etc


All the blogs and science lessons will be displayed on Mr Palmers blog: 

Bookmark it!

  • 1 blog must be completed per Hurumanu lesson.
  • A completed blog must have the four headings ( Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion), correct writing and punctuation under each heading and be published. No post, no points.
  • 2 images of the experiment / investigation on the blog.
Using the Scientific method of investigation:

Aim: What the experiment / investigation is about.
Method: Instructions on how the experiment / investigation is carried out. This includes the equipment.
Findings: What have we learnt or found out from our experiment / investigation. This is called Data, Information or Facts. It is displayed in a chart, table or picture.

My Hurumanu Science Goals:

1.  My first goal is help other people and share my ideas with them.   

2. My next goal is to stop playing and listen to your teacher.

3. My other goal is be kind to other people and make sure you pick up your rubbish. 



Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Hello readers I am talking about all the things I am grateful for. I am grateful for my family, school, friends, reading, running, high five, helping, playing game, having pet, and be kind to people.
I wrote this because is important to know how to be kind to people have nice pet play game. help your family, and help your school. need help ask Teacher and use your manners.


Kamusta readers in CIP we watch a new video it was a kind video and I am going to talk about it.

We watch this video because we can help people and be kind to them. at the start of the video, there was a girl and her brother walking with there nanny to get food and a cake for there grandpa, It was there grandpa's birthday. The girl's grandma ask her to go and find grandpa's cake, Then she ran and get her grandpa's favourite cake but when she ran to get the cake there was a guy there, the guy pick the one that the girl like but the guy look at her and give her the cake, After that they finish, getting there food, then they went to by it but there wasn't enough money and the grandma ask the lady to put the cake away, and the little girl was so sad about the cake, Then they went to go home, and along came the guy and said, They don't want that cake and the lady said yes then he took it with him. But he ran to give it to the girl but the grandma said no it OK but he gave it to the girl, and the grandma give him a paper to write his phone number to return some money for him then the said thank you. then the guy went away, they went home and give the paper to her grandpa to read, he read it and he smile, then the grandma put candle to give to the grandpa to blow it. The end. The video was so kindness.